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A mission to serve at camp

By: By Laura Eiesland, Dakotas-Minnesota Area Camp and Retreat Ministry project coordinator

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A child takes time to stop and smile for a photo for Kelsey Morgan. Kelsey and others from Madison UMC recently traveled to Guatemala to serve in mission.

What does it look like to answer Jesus’ call to go out in today’s world?  Camp milestones become impactful moments that can provide meaning and direction in life. Many United Methodists in the Dakotas have been shaped in their faith and connection to God through camp experiences.

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The Warns family on a recent mission trip. Photo courtesy of Kelsey Morgan.

Kelsey (Warns) Morgan, office assistant for the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation, is co-leader of Heritage Camp at Storm Mountain Center. Morgan is a life-long United Methodist camper and former camp counselor, stirred to share the love of God. In addition to camp and church activities, she has also traveled to Guatemala six times for mission work including: a two-month internship at Casa Angelina orphanage, Chicago, Omaha, and Peru. 

In fact, the entire Warns family has embraced camp and mission work as an outward expression of their faith. Marty Warns, Dakotas Camp and Retreat Ministry Council member and Kelsey’s father, has been active in both camp and mission ministry.

“Mission trips are important as we spread God's love by being the hands and feet of Jesus to others who may be less fortunate. However, mission trips do not have to be to a faraway place. Serving at a camp is a perfect example. One great way to be in mission is to serve as a counselor or dean at a church camp. You can share God's love with the youthful campers and teach them about Jesus’ love for them. It can be a life changing time for you and the campers.”

Moving experiences at camp or on a mission trip, have led Kelsey to see the world differently. “You don’t have to leave the country to go on a mission trip. There is plenty of work that needs to be done right here in the Dakotas. Helping others at home or in Guatemala truly reminds me that I can’t take anything in my life for granted,” stated Kelsey.

The American Camping Association, the accreditation agency for the Dakotas United Methodists camps, defines camp as a mission field for leadership and service. “Camp is called to provide creative, recreational, and educational opportunities in group living in the outdoors. It utilizes trained leadership and the resources of natural surroundings to contribute to each camper’s mental, physical, social, and spiritual growth.”

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Kelsey Morgan, center, poses with campers at Storm Mountain camp where she serves as a dean of Heritage Camp. Photo courtesy of Kelsey Morgan.

“Working or volunteering at a local camp can be a local mission trip. Serving at camp allows you to serve youth by sharing your time and talents to help them grow in their faith,” says Kelsey. “You never know what God-opportunity you are missing out on if you don’t open yourself up to connect with others.”

Serve at your United Methodist camps. Make it your mission. Every person is a child of God with gifts and talents to share. Camps are a great place to put the skills and talents of individuals into action.


There is still time to register for summer camp! Kelsey Morgan and Jessica Kremer will be leading “Heritage Camp” at Storm Mountain Center, June 17-22. The week will include adventure and action as fourth grade campers discover more about Black Hills history, Indian folk lore, and even panning for gold!  Summer discount of $25 when you “Bring-A-Friend.” Register online at or call with questions 855-622-1973.


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