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Elisha intern gets a taste of everything

Schmeling Chelsey

Chelsey Scheming, Elisha intern at Bismarck Legacy UMC, takes some time to share here experiences. Photo by Dave Stucke.

“At Legacy, I have gotten a little taste of everything,“ said Chelsey Schmeling, Elisha intern at Bismarck Legacy UMC. “I love every part of my internship.”

Schmeling has spent the last ten weeks getting a taste of all of the various ministries at Bismarck Legacy UMC. She spent time in the children’s ministry program helping with Vacation Bible School (VBS) where she had a different role each day. VBS at Legacy was overflowing with 282 kids. 

“The kids' program at Legacy is so awesome. They had so many preschoolers for Sunday morning programming that they had to turn kids away,” said Chelsey. 

She also headed to camp at Storm Mountain Center with 40 middle school students. Vicky Vetter, the student ministry director at Legacy, asked her to assist with the “Rock that Doesn’t Roll” camp. 

“The camp was a great experience for middle school students,” Chelsey said. “It was all about the issues the middle schoolers go through.”

Chelsey has spent time learning about finance and management at Legacy with Al Roll, operations director. She stated that she did not realize all of the different things that have to be managed in a church. 

Legacy is undergoing a building expansion to meet the needs of their growing student ministry program. Chelsey has experienced the building project. “All that was here was the floor when I arrived. Now it is totally taking shape. It is really going to be a great addition.”

Rev. Brandon Vetter, the lead pastor at Legacy, has included Chelsey in conducting a funeral and a wedding. He also has involved her in making visits to the hospital. “I actually have been making visits with Brandon. We checked in on a family who had a baby in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) and prayed with them for several days.”

Chelsey is spending time with Dan Weigel, the worship arts pastor at Legacy. She will preach a sermon on Nahum, the prophet of focus. “I have been preparing. I have been up front a few times, and I like it,” Chelsey stated. “I hope that I can share some thoughts with people and look forward to it.”

One of the things that Chelsey is learning during the internship is she is not entirely sure what area of ministry she is called to. “I love children’s ministry. I really like seeing kids in love with God and helping them experience God. I don’t like the idea of preaching as much.” 

She is headed back to Luther College, in Iowa, this fall for her senior year to complete a degree in instrumental music. Chelsey, a member of Brandon Celebration UMC, will graduate and look for a position in music education. “I want to teach a couple of years and then think about seminary,” she said. 

Chelsey is one of the four Elisha interns in 2018. The internship is designed for college students to explore their call to ministry. If you know a college-age student who would benefit from the Elisha internship program contact the office of Leadership Development by e-mail or phone 605-990-7790.



2018 Elisha interns and Samuel intern. Photo by jlynn studio.



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