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Mission Trips

Youth 2023 Group

100 Dakotas Youth paused for a group pic in Daytona in July, 2023.

ICYMI... Youth 2023 was an amazing event, with over 100 youth from the Dakotas travelling to Daytona Beach, Florida for worship, service, learning, and a great time. Get ready for Youth 2027, and learn more about BOLD, Youth 2023 here.


Welcome to the information page about our trip to YOUTH 2023

YOUTH 2023 will be in Daytona Beach, Florida from July 25-28, 2023. Worship and learning will be held at the Daytona Ocean Center and lodging at the Hilton Ocean Front Resort. And yes, you will literally be oceanfront with an amazing beach to enjoy! 

Quick Facts:

Quick Schedule:

  • Saturday, July 22
    • Travel to Florida
  • Sunday, July 23
    • Gather & Mission Work
  • Monday, July 24
    • Mission Work
  • Tuesday, July 25
    • Mission Work
    • Travel to Daytona
    • YOUTH 2023 begins.
  • Wednesday, July 26
    • YOUTH 2023
  • Thursday, July 27
    • YOUTH 2023
  • Friday, July 28
    • Out of Hotel
    • Closing Communion
    • Travel to Orlando
    • Universal Orlando
    • Back to Orlando Hotel late
  • Saturday, July 29
    • Breakfast in hotel
    • The Florida Mall
    • Flights home
  • Cost: $1800 Early Bird Cost ($1900 after February 28)
  • Payment Due Dates:
    • $200 by the end of February
    • $800 by the end of March
    • $800 by the end of May, plus the addional $100 if registered after Februrary 28.
  • Please mail payments to the area camping office.
    • DAK/MN Area United Methodist Camping 
      122 W Franklin Ave., Suite 400
      Minneapolis, MN 55404

Youth 2023

How do I register?
Sign up through the Camping Program Portal.
Once we receive your registration through the Camping office, we will sign you up with Youth 2023.


In the meantime, reach out to the trip Dean, Pastor Dayne Zachrison at or call or text 701-840-7294. The sooner we have your estimated numbers, the more quickly we can make travel arrangements.

How often does this event happen?
This is the premier event for Youth and Youth Leaders in The United Methodist Church. It takes place every four years in a location in the United States. The Dakotas has taken a group to this event in 2003 (University of Tennessee), 2007 (Greenville, NC), 2011 (Purdue University), 2015 (Orlando, FL), and 2019 (Kansas City, MO). For the last several trips, we have been the largest single group, and the largest Conference by percentage by a mile.

Why is it so expensive?
With our trips to this event, we take a maximalist approach. Rather than an artificially low price that then requires youth leaders to raise money for food or “fun days” or asks parents to send their youth with several hundred dollars, this price will include airfare, meals, lodging, registration fees, mission work expenses, a t-shirt, journal, worship experiences, some of the best Youth and Youth Leader workshops anywhere, and a fantastic opportunity to explore, grow, and claim their faith.

Why are we flying?
Plane travel is expensive, even booking the tickets seven months in advance. There is the idea that travel by bus would be cheaper, or “our school sent a bus to Florida.” Once you figure in the expense of a second driver (required by law) and the additional expense of paying for drivers’ hotel rooms and the rental of buses even on days you don’t use them, plus the hidden costs of empty seats, there is very little difference in cost between flying and driving. Finally, we will gain two days by flying, days we will use for mission work.

What about the mission work?
We are working with the VIM Missions coordinator for our Jurisdiction to organize our mission work when we arrive in Florida. Youth will also have opportunities to participate in mission work as a part of the Youth 2023 event.

It’s a lot of money to raise!
Yes, it is. We recommend raising the money as a group, rather than through “individual accounts.” That type of fundraising limits the involvement of youth who cannot attend the trip for any reason, as well as privileges youth who don’t work or who aren’t involved in after-school activities. This should be an opportunity to bring your Youth Group together.

Often, the best “investment” by parents is to include an out-of-pocket registration fee that approximately covers the “fun day” of the trip. For this event, that will be about $150 for a theme park ticket, travel, and meals. Other than that amount, we encourage you to raise the money together, including the amount to cover your chaperones. They are taking vacation time to help care for your youth, they deserve your care and thanks!

Be sure to reach out to your local United Women in Faith, your United Methodist Men, your local church’s Foundation, and members of your congregation devoted to Missions and Youth. We intentionally include mission work as that not only shapes the Youth but also increases the funding opportunities within your congregation.

Who is leading the trip?
Pastor Dayne Zachrison is leading this trip. He has led the trip since 2003 and planned it since 2007. There will also be youth leaders from your congregation, and from congregations across the Dakotas. Once we are assembled, the adults care for the Youth, rather than each church only caring for their own.

Tell me more about YOUTH 2023
This event is one of the best things we do for Youth in the UMC. There will be incredible, immersive worship, meaningful study of Scripture, small groups that bring together UM Youth from across the country, some of the best workshops for Youth and Youth Leaders available, mission work, and the fun and excitement of 5000 youth gathered together!

More information about the event available here:


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 slider.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000