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Bishop gives thanks as we close out September

By: Bishop Lanette Plambeck, resident bishop, Dakotas-Minnesota Episcopal Area | September 30, 2024


As we turn the page on September, Bishop Lanette Plambeck takes a moment to celebrate churches' initiatives throughout the past month and offers encouragement on our shared journey.

Dear friends in Christ, 
Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

As we journey together through this season, I am continually moved by the ways you are stepping into new initiatives with boldness, creativity, and deep faith. Your commitment to our mission—making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world—shines brightly in every corner of the Dakotas-Minnesota Episcopal Area. I am writing to celebrate your recent endeavors and encourage you as we continue walking this path together.

Your initiatives throughout September, from small groups and student ministries to family ministry and justice engagement, are nothing short of inspiring. I’m encouraged by campaigns that reach new neighbors, begin new community partnerships, and launch fresh expressions.  These efforts reflect the heartbeat of our shared mission, vision, and values. When I hear stories of small groups gathering, lives being transformed, students and families coming together, and courageous conversations taking place around the justice issues of our time, I am reminded of the Spirit’s movement among us. You are living out what it means to be the body of Christ—creating spaces for healing, growth, and deep connection.

Our world is in desperate need of communities that embody justice, mercy, and humility. As you engage in these areas of ministry, you are not only transforming individual lives but also contributing to the transformation of society. Every small group that gathers, every student who is mentored, every family strengthened, and every stand for justice you take—each one of these actions is a witness to the love and grace of God made real in our world.

I encourage you to continue being bold and courageous in your efforts, knowing that the work you are doing is deeply meaningful and eternally significant. Your faithfulness is a testimony to the living Christ who calls us to be salt and light. I am grateful for your dedication and perseverance, and I stand with you in prayer, celebration, and hope.

Together, we are building a future where the love of God is made known in every corner of our communities, and I trust that the Spirit will continue to lead us in this important work. Thank you for your faithfulness, your leadership, and your unwavering commitment to the mission of Christ’s church.

As we look ahead to October, we will honor and give thanks for our clergy during Clergy Appreciation Month, celebrate World Communion Sunday on Oct. 6, and highlight our laity on Oct. 20, which is Laity Sunday. Here are a few resources to help you and your congregation recognize these occasions:
· Clergy Appreciation Month
· World Communion Sunday: A Celebration of Unity and Service
· World Communion Sunday Offerings: Supporting Education and Hope
· Laity Sunday

May God bless and strengthen you as you move forward in ministry. Know that you are not alone; we walk this path together, grounded in God’s love and guided by the Holy Spirit.

With deep gratitude and hope,





Bishop Lanette Plambeck  
Dakotas-Minnesota Episcopal Area
The United Methodist Church


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