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Gina Mueller: Living the Ways of Jesus

By: Dylan Dethlefsen, seminary student

Thursday 4 Ginamueller

Gina Mueller of 3dMovements addressed the full plenary session of the 26th Dakotas Annual Conference. Photos by j.lynn studios.

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ?

Gina Mueller, chair of the national 3dMovement (3dM) board, gave us an in-depth explanation of this at the Laity Session of Annual Conference Tuesday morning in Bismarck, North Dakota. In two words, discipleship could perhaps be summed up in “evangelism” and “missionary”. She encouraged us to examine and reflect on what we are all called to do and how we are called to live as followers of the risen Christ.

The goal of 3dM is to invest in and raise up leaders who empower everyday people to do the things Jesus did and to transform the world. Mueller is currently chair of the national 3dM board and leads the Hub for the Upper Midwest and Northeast regions.

Mueller shared that she has been in the field of ministry for the last 20 years. She grew up in the church and has always been a fierce advocate of Jesus and faith. However, it wasn’t until after pastoring for some time that she realized that there was more to church and more to living a life in service to ministry than filling pews and keeping offering amounts substantial. She needed to take her ministry outside of the church’s walls.

“The longer I follow Jesus, what I see in scripture and what I hear the Father inviting me into is so much more than just knowing more ABOUT Him.  It’s an invitation to come closer relationally so He can help me imitate the life of Jesus,” Mueller stated.

But how does one live the ways of Jesus successfully? Mueller illustrated that Jesus prioritized God, the Father, in his life. He got up early to pray, he regularly called on his guidance and used God as his compass. Apart from this he put much emphasis on discipleship. He gathered a group of 12 men and formed close relationships with them in order that they may learn from what He was modeling in living out his faith.

Jesus was very interactive with the broken world around him. People in communities deemed untouchable or too sinful to associate with were not so for Him. All were welcome to the table and all deserved God’s grace.

“The call of every follower of Jesus, every disciple, is to imitate Jesus– to pay attention to the WAY he did things,” Mueller said. “Often we listen to his words.  And we try to do his works.  But what we miss is learning to imitate his ways.” 

We can take this model, this “Jesus Template,” and apply it to our lives in living as disciples and missionaries who interact with our communities outside of the church walls. It is a matter of breaking down barriers and allowing the grace of God to flow freely to all while maintaining a personal, spiritual relationship with our God.


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