God desires a relationship with us, nudging and sometimes shoving us into becoming more as God intends us to be. It’s simply grace. Using John Wesley’s framework and teachings on grace, this book unfolds grace with the author’s stories and the stories of others.
Rich with examples, this book will inspire you to become more aware of God in your everyday life. This book will help you discover the grace all around you and help you see everyday glimpses of God. Grace is a gift that is available regardless of what we’ve done or who we are. When we accept that we are loved, that we cannot earn a place with God, and we have already been forgiven, it changes our relationship with God and with each other.
Bruce related that the book came from a small group he was attending. “We were doing spiritual autobiographies, the influences of God in our lives. I found so many instances of grace in my own life and realized that others experience God in such different ways. Then a friend, Kip Roozen, said a book on grace would be helpful to him as a pastor, so Simply Grace came to life.”
The book is being used by individuals, small groups, adult classes, and as a sermon series. “People have appreciated that the book has made grace accessible and applicable to their lives,” commented Blumer. He also just set up a Simply Grace Facebook group for weekly discussion of grace (www.facebook.com/groups/simplygracebook/).
Rob Marchand Education Center in LaGanove. File courtesy of Bruce Blumer.
All profits from this book will help fund scholarships and to build the second level of the school that was just opened in LaGonave, Haiti. Currently there are 115 students in grades one to four. Construction of the second level has begun with hopes of expanding to grade eight. Funds are being directed through the organization he and his wife, Sharon, founded - LaGonave Alive (www.LaGonaveAlive.com)
Signed copies may be purchased directly from the author ($15 suggested donation + $2 shipping – LaGonave Alive, 1035 N Spencer Ln, Tea SD 57064). They are also available on Amazon - https://amzn.to/2HEwJd8
Praise for Simply Grace
“Simply Grace is a must read for anyone seeking an accessible, straightforward treatment of the wonder and power of God’s grace. Bruce Blumer utilizes insightful narrative and delightful, real-life grace stories to plum the mystery and paradox of grace. Grace is simple, yet complex. Grace is readily available; yet one must become radically attentive to God’s presence. Grace is free; yet not cheap. Whether a new Jesus follower or a mature disciple, Simply Grace will open you to the reality that God wants to work on and with you.”—Bishop Bruce R. Ough, Dakotas-Minnesota Area, The United Methodist Church
“Bruce Blumer’s book will invite you into a deeper relationship with Christ with these compelling stories that show us that we all need more of God's grace. The book also provides compelling questions for personal or small group meditation. Grace is simply essential!” —Clayton Smith, Retired Executive Pastor of Generosity, Church of the Resurrection Foundation, Leawood, Kansas
“Bruce breaks grace down for us, using examples from his own life to paint a picture of how receiving grace and showing grace can look. By the end of Simply Grace, you’re able to recognize grace more easily in your own life, letting that free love from God flow from you and into the lives of others. Whether you’ve been following Jesus for decades or just became a Christian last month, you should read this book!” —Adam Weber, Lead pastor of Embrace Church of Sioux Falls, SD and author of Talking with God