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Missional Report highlights accomplishments

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There are 36,000 United Methodists in 250 churches who are creating a culture of call, multiplying disciples, connecting with neighbors, and understanding God’s abundant giving.  The Dakotas Conference is experiencing growth in worship attendance for the sixth year and is home to Embrace Church, the fastest growing United Methodist Church in the country.

That’s the message that Sheila Dailie, chair of the Common Table gave to members of the 24th Dakotas Annual Conference Session. The message was part of the opening and afternoon plenary sessions as the Common Table reported on the progress that has been made and highlighted the 2016-2017 Missional Report.

Seven presenters told attendees how United Methodists throughout the Dakotas are creating a culture of call. Rev. Sara McManus, West Fargo Flame of Faith UMC, recognized the 6 Elisha interns from 2016 and the launching of the Samuel Project—an internship for high school students feeling a call to ministry. Katie Clark, Valley City Epworth UMC, told participants how the first youth ministry cohort of ten churches is equipping local congregations with tools and coaching to create vitalized  youth ministry programs. Jane Hincks, Center UMC told members that over 68 people had attended a discernment retreat or advanced lay servant ministry training this past year. Deb Kjerstad, director of leadership development shared that clergy have spent of 4,300 hours in coaching and training this past year. Kjerstad also shared the story of Rev. Peggy Stempson’s unique call to ministry in the Dakotas Conference through this video.

Attendees at the conference in Bismarck learned about how Dakotas Conference churches were multiplying disciples. Rev. Ben Ingebretson, director of new church development for the Dakotas-Minnesota Area, shared that 12 churches have began the process to create a new worship service to reach out to new disciples.  John Srtska, Sioux Falls Sunnycrest, reported 183 new ideas or initiatives that have been launched by churches as a result of participation in the Missional Church Consultation Initiative (MCCI) and the Journey Renewal Process.

Kara Togel, Watertown First UMC, explained how God began to multiple disciples in ways that we never could have imagined a few years ago in the towns of Salem and Montrose. Check out this video that tells their story. Rev. DeAnn Eidem, Rapid City Canyon Lake UMC, told participants that using multiple methods, we can move from a goal of one new congregation a year, to a goal of 10 new congregations in four years, and eventually, to a doubling of that goal to a 3% reproduction rate or over 6 new congregations per year.

Attendees learned that the number of Dakotas United Methodists in mission has grown each of the past three years. Examples of these members in mission include Velva North Dakota where love in action is seen in multiple ways. Take a look at this video.  Rev. Sharla McCaskell, Rapid City Knollwood Heights, told attendees that $12,500 was given to churches for Breakthrough Ministry grants impacting over 2,000 lives. JoAnn Schlimgen, assistant director of finance and administration, shared that the Dakotas Conference has donated $850,000 to hunger ministries in North and South Dakota the past 10 years.

Sheri Meister, director of the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation introduced Diane Owen, who will serve as the project manager for the $1 miilion Liilly Grant received by the Dakotas-Minnesota Area. Meister also thanked and celebrated with attendees the success of the Thrive: Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow, capital campaign. Individuals and churches have pledged over $3.5 million and $1.2 million has been collected. Watch this Thrive thank you video.

Other highlights of the missional report include:

  • A celebration of the 17 years of ministry for Scott Jenson, director of Storm Mountain Center, who is retiring.

  • In 2016, 103 churches that gave $284,000 for kids to go to camp.

  • Scholarship dollars distributed by the Board of Ordained Ministry and Dakotas United Methodist foundation reached over $87,000 for 2016-2017.

  • In 2016, United Methodists of the Dakotas Conference churches gave over $1.8 million to special Sundays, UMCOR, Dakotas Conference Missions, Miracle Offerings and the Thanksgiving appeal.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 Parachute 2a.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000