Monthly Coaching session are for Fresh Expressions practitioners and their teams. Participants will learn from each other as they process the loving first journey together. Participants will share stories, ideas and get support from others. Michael Beck will facilitate these calls.
IMPACT Fargo: Taking God Seriously—Gather with youth from across the Dakotas for a youth mission event in Fargo, ND. As we hear the prophet Micah’s question: what does the Lord require? To do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God. We will gather in learning, service and fun to know more about God, ourselves and our places in the world.
The six-week Scripture Circle Facilitator training will be on June 11, 18, 25 and July 16, 23, 30, at 10:30-12 p.m. CDT. The purpose of this cohort is to better equip you to lead a group in a scripture circle style. To maximize the learning and experience, have a group of 6 to 15 people, ready to study with you in your real world that you can practice on. This cohort is going to be capped at 11 people.
2024 Dakotas/Minnesota UMC Clergy Women's Retreat has been scheduled for Sunday, August 4, 2024 - Tuesday, August 6, 2024.
The Dakotas Conference of United Women in Faith presents an webinar exploring the epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives (MMIR) on Saturday, August 17 - 10:00-11:30 am Central, 9:00-10:30 am Mountain. Lily Mendoza, Director of the Red Ribbon Skirt Society, and Lisa Heth, Director of Wiconi Wawokiya, Inc., will share about this important issue of racial justice that plagues our sisters and brothers in the Dakotas and what we, as United Methodists, can do to help. They will be joined by Dakotas Conference representatives Rev. Susan Jennys and Colleen McKirdy. president of the Dakotas UMFaith.
All appointed clergy and assigned laity in pastoral roles will learn how healthy boundaries and ethics move us to wholeness and holiness.
All appointed clergy and assigned laity in pastoral roles will learn how healthy boundaries and ethics move us to wholeness and holiness.
Monthly Coaching session are for Fresh Expressions practitioners and their teams. Participants will learn from each other as they process the loving first journey together. Participants will share stories, ideas and get support from others. Michael Beck will facilitate these calls.
Investing in Leaders Resource Grant (Educational Debt Reduction) The 2024 application of this grant for clergy is now open.
The Christmas Letters Author Magrey DeVega invites you to hear about the miracle of Christ's birth from those who first told the story. A virtual Advent study lead by Bishop Lanette Plambeck WHEN: Tuesday, November 26, to Tuesday, December 17, from 7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. CT / 6:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. MT
We are inviting you to re-engage with all things Fresh Expressions this fall. Last year, Rev. Michael Beck helped us lay a solid foundation for Fresh Expressions in our area. Now it is time to take the seeds that have been planted and nurture them. Our focus will shift from learning the foundations of Fresh Expressions to practicing.
DAKYouth 24 is coming at us fast! This year, it's a month earlier, October 11-13, with even better weather.
Join us for a time of learning and discussion as we continue to strive to better love our Indigenous neighbors. These Zoom gatherings will be led and facilitated by Rev. Dr. Susan Jennys and Rev. David Jennys.
We are inviting you to re-engage with all things Fresh Expressions this fall. Last year, Rev. Michael Beck helped us lay a solid foundation for Fresh Expressions in our area. Now it is time to take the seeds that have been planted and nurture them. Our focus will shift from learning the foundations of Fresh Expressions to practicing.
The Dakotas Appointive Cabinet is meeting in Mitchell, SD from Oct.21-23, 2024.
Join us for a time of learning and discussion as we continue to strive to better love our Indigenous neighbors. These Zoom gatherings will be led and facilitated by Rev. Dr. Susan Jennys and Rev. David Jennys.
The Board of Ordained Ministry is gathering for their 2024 fall meeting Oct.23-25 in Mitchell, SD.
Join us for a time of learning and discussion as we continue to strive to better love our Indigenous neighbors. These Zoom gatherings will be led and facilitated by Rev. Dr. Susan Jennys and Rev. David Jennys.