Cindy Yeager leads a discussion on Human Trafficking at Mission u northern site. Photos courtesy of Dakotas United Women in Faith.
More than 95 people, including several newcomers, attended Mission u at Dakota Wesleyan University and the University of Jamestown. The South Dakota event was held July 12-14, and the North Dakota event took place July 18-20.
Attendees experienced thoughtful study, inspiring worship, and energizing activities. One attendee said, "Like a car low on gas, our spiritual tank runs low, and we need to fill it up. This event put some much-needed gas in my tank." Another said, "I always learn and grow in my Christian faith at Misson u."
Rev. Laurie Kidd and Rev. Teri Johnson were the study leaders at Mission u's southern site. Pastor Laurie was joined by Pastor Rebecca Hafner at Mission u's northern site the following week.
Study leaders facilitated discussion around the theme, "Welcome Home," which was grounded in Jesus' parable of the prodigal son or forgiving father, depending on where you connect in the parable.
The teams of the Bible bowl, Team God led by Pastor Laruie Kidd, and Team Jesus led by Pastor Becca Hafner.
Northern site Mission u kicks off Bible Bowl.
Several attendees found worship, especially music, led by Sandy Olson, Rosemary McDougal, Kay Nelson, and Lisa Hoffer on tech, particularly meaningful to their Mission u experience at the University of Jamestown. Other attendees enjoyed the special activities featured on Thursday and Friday evenings.
Thursday evening during "Can We Talk," Cindy Yeager and May Polmeroy provided information, led a discussion, and shared potential action steps regarding the troubling global reality of human trafficking.
New this year was Friday evening's Bible Bowl with "God's Team" coached by Pastor Laurie Kidd and "Team Jesus" coached by Pastor Becca Hafner. As teams squared off, the air was charged with energy, cheers, chants, and a delightful pep song.
Led by their coaches, the teams matched Bible knowledge by answering questions through a ground game (multiple choice) or a passing game (straight answer) and extra points (true or false). One long-time Mission u attendee suggested that the Bible Bowl follow a baseball theme next year, and people wear clothing representing their favorite baseball teams. Plans for this are already underway.
Event dean Rev. Michelle Brennan and assistant dean Kelly Bird felt the weekend was everything they had planned and hoped for the Mission u attendees to experience because, as one attendee shared, "Mission u motivates me to get more involved in mission opportunities."
Southern site Mission u experiences new location and growing numbers.
Several past Mission u Southern Site deans were in attendance at Mission u 2024. Left to right:Karen Grinager, Colleen McKirdy, Ginny Coates, Jeannine Carpenter, Dawn Armstrong, Glenda Kluckman, LaRee Mayes, Jane Hazen, Emma McKirdy-Wilsey, current dean Connie Smith, assistant dean Conni McCormick, and 2025 assistant dean Penny Galinat.
The number of participants at the southern site of Mission u was a pleasant surprise. In the past few years, the numbers have ranged between 30-35. This year, there were 59 participants, including several attending for the first time and others returning after missing the event for several years.
All the action took place at the School of Business, Innovation, and Leadership Building on the Dakota Wesleyan University campus. Built in 2021, the building was home to the Mission u study, displays, worship, and fellowship events.
"We had so many positive comments. Everything was in one building. It is a little further from Dayton Hall (the dorm where participants stay); we just had people drive over or take a golf cart ride," said Connie Smith, dean of the Mission U Southern site.
Two fundraisers raised more than $1,000. Attendees purchased ribbons of love for the Love Ribbon Grant program, which helps fund projects that benefit children or youth in the Dakotas Conference. The second fundraiser was Move4 Mission. People pledged how many steps they would take during Mission u. Every dollar raised supports the mission of United Women in Faith throughout the world.
Participants had the opportunity to tour Abbott House, a therapeutic residential treatment and foster care services provider with locations in Mitchell and Rapid City, South Dakota.
Parrticipants celebrated the 60th wedding anniversary of Rev. Ed and Ginny Coates.
One evening root beer floats were served and partcipiants heard a presentation from the Emma Norton Services, located in St. Paul, Minnesota, an organization that provides transformational housing and growth for women and families on their journey of recovery.
First-time participants were impressed. "This is my first time, and I have loved everything, exclamation mark. Thank you. I plan to come again," said one of the first-time participants. Another first-time participant said, "It was so meaningful to be with positive people for two and one-half days."
There is still one more chance to participate in Mission u!
Register for the Virtual Mission u. Join on Zoom Thursday, August 8, 2024, and Friday, August 9, 2024 at 7:30-9:00 p.m. Central Time, and Saturday, August 10 , 2024, at 10-11:30 a.m. and 1-2:30 p.m. Access all the details.
View all the photos from Mission u 2024.