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Fusion UMC welcomes international students to Dakota Wesleyan University

By: Anna Mutzenberger, Dakotas UMC intern

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,  I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ ...Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:35-40, NIV 

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Fusion UMC created welcome baskets for international students at DWU. Photos by Rev. Taryn Ragels

Followers of Jesus often wrestle with how to live out the words from Matthew 25 of feeding, inviting in, or clothing a stranger. Fusion Church in Mitchell, South Dakota, jumped at the opportunity to practice these teachings by welcoming first-time international students to Dakota Wesleyan University (DWU) with welcome kits.  

Each year DWU welcomes a handful of new international students onto their campus. This year eleven students chose to make the journey to Mitchell, South Dakota, and experience life at DWU. Students came from Ireland, the United Kingdom, Canada, Mongolia, and Germany. Most of the students were recruited for sports, with one of the students participating in the Study USA program out of Ireland.  

When international students arrive in Mitchell, they bring very little with them. They don’t travel with bedding, toiletries, food, or other common college items. Typically, the coaches would take the students to Walmart after they landed so they could purchase any essentials that they need. This year, however, each student will walk into their new room and see all these items already laid out for them, along with a handwritten note from a Fusion Church member welcoming them to campus.  

Fusion—a United Methodist congregation located on the campus of Dakota Wesleyan University—was approached by the admissions office at DWU to see if they would be willing to help welcome the new international students. Rev. Taryn Ragels, lead pastor at Fusion and one of the Campus Pastors at DWU, immediately began brainstorming to determine how they could not only help provide the students with items, but also show the students that the congregation at Fusion loves and supports them. 

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Each students also received a handwritten note to welcome them to Fusion and Mitchell.

 “In the coming year we are going to really lean into the idea of Fusion being a blend of college and community. We want to be intentional about making Fusion a space for college students and young adults to grow and feel supported,” said Pastor Taryn.  

Welcome kits are just one of the ways they are seeking to live out this vision and value. Members of Fusion donated laundry baskets, sheets, toiletries, comforters, snacks, water bottles, and many other items to help these students get settled into their new home at DWU. 

Cara Blevins, who attends Fusion regularly, said, “It is important for Fusion to reach out to the students because that was the purpose in creating Fusion, blending college students with the larger community.” 

One of the most important things to keep in mind when your congregation is working on welcoming college students is to be intentional about catering to their wants and needs.  

“My advice for churches wanting to connect to young people would be to welcome them in and get them involved. Ask them what kinds of things they would like to do and start doing that.” said Cara.  

Find fun ways to connect to students here. Explore ways to stay connected to college students here.  Connect students to Dakotas campus ministries here


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