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This Week @ Dakotas | April 14

"In the scriptures and life, we see again and again how God is the one who enjoys making people new. He transforms events and lives so dramatically that it seems like a literal resurrection from our human perspective." Rev. Joel Winckler

Rev. Joel Winckler serves as the pastor at St. Paul's United Methodist Church in Jamestown, North Dakota, and will serve as the Northwest District Superintendent for the Dakotas Conference beginning on July 1, 2020. Read the full pastoral message from Rev. Winckler here. Lean more about Pastor Joel here

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Pray with us | April 14-20
    Lord thank you for the promise of the resurrection. We ask that you restore and renew us, especially these leaders, in your name we pray.  

Recovery Summit webinar | April 22
     Recovery congregations in Bismarck, North Dakota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Rapid City, South Dakota are seeing significant growth and experiencing vitality. Is it time for you to consider this powerful spiritual dynamic  of recovery ministry as fuel to start a new congregation?  Join the Dakotas-Minnesota Area Recovery Summit, a 90-minute webinar, featuring Brad Herman and Chris Chase. The two leaders of new church starts, will share their journey to launch thriving recovery ministries.  Register by sending an email to  Connection information will be sent a day or two in advance.

Telling the old story, in a new time: Best practices for worshiping online and beyond in a physically distanced world: View a recording of the webinar hosted by Jason Moore, Midnight Oil Productions, about how to face  unique challenges to ministry when it is not possible to gather in-person. 

Builders Club | Spring Call for Legacy South and Celebrate Grace 
Builders Club supports the building projects of four churches each year through the donations of hundreds of people across the Dakotas Conference. The goal of Builders Club is to assist churches in need of financial support for their building, remodel, or expansion projects. By providing support for the building projects of churches, it allows them to grow current or begin new ministries. This spring individuals and congregations are called to support Legacy South UMC and Celebrate Grace UMCJoin | Donate online 

Electronic giving | Access resources
There are many options for electronic giving. Check out the most popular options among Dakotas UMC congregations here

Act Now for Church Financial Relief |  Apply for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)  funds 
     The application process for the federal CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is open. Churches are eligible to apply for a low-interest loan—a portion of which can be forgiven if the organization meets certain criteria, such as retaining workers. 
Dakotas Walk to Emmaus | Spring walks postponed

     The Men's Walk to Emmaus, scheduled for April 23-26, 2020, and the Women's Walk to Emmaus scheduled for April 30-May 3, 2020. have been canceled. Watch for dates for the fall Men's and Women's Walk to Emaus at

Dakotas United Methodist Camps Early Bird deadline | April 30
    Your Dakotas United Methodist camps are eagerly preparing for an amazing summer. Register for any camp event at Lake Poinsett Camp, Wesley Acres Camp, or Storm Mountain Center by April 30 to receive $5 off per night of camp costs. Check out the camps and events at Dakotas United Methodist Camps website or access the 2020 Dakotas camp brochure online.

Annual Conference 2020 | Registration suspended until May 1
As we deal with COVID-19, registration for the 2020 Annual Conference, to be held June 10-13, 2020, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, has been suspended until May 1, 2020. The Dakotas Conference leadership will continue to monitor the situation and will announce any changes on or before May 1, 2020.

General Conference 2020  | Postponed
     General Conference 2020 has been postponed until 2021. The Commission on General Conference is working on dates with the Minneapolis Convention Center. View the press release here

Non Profit Church Leadership Certificate Program | Applications due May 15
     Applications are being accepted for the 2020-2021 cohort of this program at Dakota Wesleyan University. The application deadline has been moved to May 15, apply here.

North Central Jurisdictional Conference | Postponed
     The North Central Jurisdiction Conference, scheduled for July 15-18, in Fort Wayne, Indiana, has been posponed.  Read the announcement about the postponement here


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 Image 1 website.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000