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This Week @ Dakotas | June 6


AC 2023 | Happens this week 
    The Dakotas Conference session takes place June 8-10, 2023 at the Convention Center in Sioux Falls. View the full conference schedule to find out when each worship service and plenary session will take place, and access conference materials to follow along with the conversation. Get the details.

Watch AC live | Access live stream here
    The Dakotas Conference session takes place June 8-10, 2023 at the Convention Center in Sioux Falls. View the full conference schedule to find out when each worship service and plenary session will take place, and access conference materials to follow along with the conversation. Those who will not be present in-person in Sioux Falls June 8-10, 2023, are invited to watch the live stream on the Dakotas Conference website. All you need is your computer (or other electronic device) and an Internet connection. Access live stream.

Miracle Offering | The Road of Hope 
    In response to the increasing numbers of deaths by suicide, ideation of suicide, and attempts among youth in North and South Dakota, and the mental health crisis in our nation, the 2023 Miracle Offering recipients are the Helpline of South Dakota and FirstLink of North Dakota. Our goal for the 2023 Miracle Offering is $50,000 to be shared with Helpline of South Dakota and FirstLink of North Dakota—access resources.

Tree of Life | Prom attire collection at Annual Conference
    One of the key words in this year's annual conference theme is TRANSFORM.  Tree of Life is a place that abounds in transformation.  A recent Monday's article showcased how the Tree helps transform ordinary young people into princesses and princes as they attend their spring proms.  It is only possible for us to help with this transformation if we have prom dresses, suits and tuxes, as well as dress-up shoes available for the students.  So, please check your closets for such items, especially if you have teenagers or grand-teenagers in your house or family.  Bring them to Annual Conference June 8-10 and look for the Tree of Life table.  There will be a rack available to hang them on, so be on the look-out for the Tree of Life display area.


Bring a friend to camp and save $25
    For each new camper you or your family member bring to camp, you will receive $25 off the price of your camp. New campers are those who have not been to any Dakotas United Methodist Camps camping event in the past three years Request the Bring-a-friend discount in your online forms. The discount will be applied when your friend registers. Register here

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Workshop | June 28 and August 25
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an extensively researched, effective psychotherapy method proven to help people recover from trauma and PTSD symptoms. Learn more at an information session on Wednesday, June 28 and August 25, 2023. Access details.

Youth 2023 | July 22-29
Middle and high school students are invited to travel with other Dakotas Conference youth to Daytona Beach, Florida, July 22-29, 2023. Join thousands of other youth and their leaders at Youth 2023, at the Daytona Ocean Center and lodging at the Hilton Ocean Front Resort. Check out the cost and further details here.

2023 Mission u
    Don’t miss Mission u 2023! United Women in Faith have a commitment to lifelong learning. Mission u is a perfect example of how that commitment is put into action—and not just for ourselves, but to better reflect God’s love to others. This summer, do yourself a favor and attend this three-day learning adventure. Participate in one of three sessions: Southern Site: July 14-16, 2023, Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell, SD, access details; Northern Site: July 20-22, 2023, University of Jamestown, Jamestown, ND, access details; Virtual: August 10-12, 2023, on Zoom, access details.

Called special session | Aug. 15
    After consultation with the Dakotas Appointive Cabinet, Bishop Lanette Plambeck has called a special session of the Dakotas Annual Conference for August 15, 2023, beginning at 7:00 p.m., Central Time,  6:00 p.m. Mountain Time. The session will be entirely virtual. This will be the final called conference for disaffiliation in 2023.

National Day of Volunteer Training | September 23, 2023
    Fargo First UMC is once again hosting National Day of Volunteer Training through Download Youth Ministry. The date for this year's training is September 23, beginning at 9 a.m. Bring your team to this training. Current pricing is $99.00 for everyone on your team. Prices will go up on May 1. The training will be finished by noon. Fargo First UMC will be providing lunch for all attendees after the training. Please mark your calendars, register, and join us. 


Fireside Chat, episode 9, Holy Conferencing
When we search the scripture, we do so to encounter God. We can encounter God in prayer, in creation, in worship, in community, and yes, in the scripture. Encountering God in scripture is one of the primary means of grace. In this episode, we explore searching scripture as a means of grace. Join Rev. Dan Bader and two guests in this conversation. Rev. Joel Winckler, the Northwest District Superintendent, lives and works out of Mandan, North Dakota. Also sharing insights into the discussion is Julie Stoll, from the United Church of Faulkton in South Dakota. Access the episode. Access the entire series.

Pre-Conference Gatherings | Watch recording
     Four Pre-Conference Gatherings were held to inform voting members at the Dakotas Annual Conference about disaffiliation agreements, the 2024 budget proposal, the nominations report, the consent calendar, and disaffiliation agreements, any other items in the Conference Workbook published onlineView a recording here. Access the FAQs.


Investing In Leaders Resource Grant (Student Debt Reduction) | 2023 application is now open
The 2023 application is now open for the Investing in Leaders Resource Grant, formerly known as Student Debt Reduction Grant. First-time applicants are considered first. Demonstration of completing personal financial education and working with a financial loan repayment counselor (at least one session) are both required. If you need more information about connecting with a student loan repayment counselor, please contact Area Director of Clergy Well-Being Diane Owen at Grant awards up to $5000 are available. Applications are due Aug. 1. Notification of grant awards will occur by Sept. 15. Access application for first-time applicants. Access renewal application if you have applied before.

Clergy Well-Being Grants | Apply now
    The 2023 Clergy Well-Being Resource Grant committee is now accepting applications! The Dakotas-Minnesota Area offers our clergy this grant of up to $1,000 for first time applicants and up to $500 for those who received a grant in 2022. Funds could be used for a health coach, spiritual director, gym membership, hiking boots, a creative art experience, a course on resilience or trauma, and more.


Jobs Available
    We're hiring! Take a look at the job announcements across the Dakotas Conference. Get the details on jobs available at these Conference churches and organizations.

Worship Arts Director  | Legacy UMC
     Legacy is looking for a full-time Worship Arts Director, a person with a visible and contagious love for Jesus lived out in passionate worship. This person should be a good communicator with a creative spirit, possessing the musical ability to lead vocally and instrumentally and the leadership to develop the gifts and talents of a diverse team. See the full job description here.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000