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This Week @ Dakotas | October 4


Hurricane Ian disaster response| Donate
Our hearts go out to our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Florida Annual Conference of the UMC as they seek to respond to and begin recovering from the devastation left by Hurricane Ian. UMCOR provides financial assistance, connections with volunteers, experts, local government, and other organizations can help communities recover from disaster.
Information for Hurricane Ian Relief: give to US Disaster Response Advance #901670 and designate Hurricane Ian.

CANCELED - Women's Conference | October 7-8

Sowing Generously | Oct. 8
    Sowing Generously is an in-person, district based, multi-site event for the Dakota-Minnesota Area UMC ministry leaders willing to consider multiplying. It will happen Saturday, October 8, at 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. central time, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. mountain time. Contact your District Superintendent to RSVP and to join at a location in your area.


Braver Angels debate and discussion | October 13, 7 p.m.
The McGovern Center at DWU  is establishing a partnership with an organization called “Braver Angels.” Braver Angels is an agency that seeks to find not a middle ground so much as spaces to listen respectfully and express opposing opinions openly. The goal isn’t to win or own the enemy. The goal is to understand differences and positions you may personally reject. Registration isn’t necessary to attend, but it is helpful, especially if you want to make a public statement for or against the resolution. To register, go to this link: Gun Control Debate

Relax, Refresh, ReNew | October 21-23
    Experience a time to relax, refresh and renew your mind, body and spirit. In the beauty of creation, you will find both group time to build Christian community and time apart for Sabbath and renewal. Join this women's retreat lead by Rev. Kori Lehrkamp at Storm Mountain Center. Details here.

Fall Ministry Gathering | October 28-29
The Dakotas Annual Conference is pleased to announce a 2022 Rural Ministry Fall Gathering on October 28-29, 2022, in Mobridge, South Dakota, at the Wrangler Inn.  A block of rooms has been saved at the Wrangler Inn for attendees.  Please call 888-618-5318 to reserve a room under Dakotas UMC. The event will begin Friday, October 28, at 6:30 p.m., central time, with fellowship followed by worship at 7:00 p.m., a keynote address, and a brief review and discussion about the Dakotas Connection Initiative.  Saturday, October 29, beginning at 7:30 a.m., will include sessions on learning, sharing, and planning.  Register now.

Lay Ministry Academy | Answer the call
We are all called by God. Laity throughout the Dakotas are invited to the Lay Training Academy at Open Heart UMC in Rapid City, South Dakota, on October 28-30, 2022 and January 27-29, 2023; or at First UMC in Pierre, South Dakota, April 28-30, 2023, and July 28-30, 2023. Training will be on two tracks to equip lay people to better minister in their individual contexts: 1) preaching and leading spoken parts of worship and, 2) congregational care and discipleship. Get the details here

Breakthrough Ministry Grants | Due October 31
    Breakthrough Ministry Grants are offered to churches and related organizations from the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation and Dakotas Conference of the United Methodist Church. Grants will be awarded quarterly as seed money to launch new ministries or expand an existing ministry. Learn more about Breakthrough Ministry Grants here.

Jurisdictional Conference Scheduled | Nov. 2-5, 2022
    In response to Judicial Council decision 1445, the Council of Bishops (COB) has formally set the dates for regular sessions of the Jurisdictional Conferences of The United Methodist Church (UMC) to be convened November 2-5, 2022.  Our North Central Jurisdictional Conference will meet in Fort Wayne, Indiana and be livestreamed on the website.  The Dakotas-Minnesota Area will be receiving a new bishop. View video interviews with the candidates for episcopal leadership. Read the candidates biographical informaton

Doctrine of Discovery Event | November 5
    The Doctrine of Discovery is a 500-year-old series of Christian edicts that violently deny the personhood of Indigenous peoples around the world. Why does it matter today? The Doctrine still influences public and religious policy, with the US Supreme Court citing it as recently as 2005. What's the purpose of this event? To support faith communities to learn about the Doctrine with guest speakers and group reflection, understand its real-life impacts on Indigenous peoples, and act with hope and courage to repudiate it.  How can we participate? Each faith community is invited to bring a group of 5 or so people to the event on November 5th in Fargo, ND. If possible, we welcome donations of $100 from each faith community. Details here, or contact Rev. Karen Van Fossan,  701.202.2421.

DAKYOUTH 2022 | November 11-13
    DAKYOUTH is an annual youth event like no other and is for both middle school and high school youth in the Dakotas Conference. Youth will gather November 11-13 at the Center for Recreation and Culture in Aberdeen, South Dakota. Join us for awesome music led by Pastors Clay Lundberg and Taylor Johnson and awesome speakers– Stephanie Caro, Mark Oestreicher, and Andrew Root. This year the DAKYOUTH theme will be “Good vs. Evil.” The scripture focus is Isaiah 5:20. Register and get the details here

Annual Conference Special Session | November 19, 2022
    Bishop Deborah Kiesey is formally calling a special session of the Dakotas Annual Conference for November 19, 2022, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Central, 8:30 a.m. Mountain. The agenda will include one business item: consideration of resolutions ratifying the disaffiliation of local churches from The United Methodist Church according to the provisions of ¶2553. See a message from the Dakotas Conference Cabinet addressing disaffiliation misinformation here. Registration is now open.

Shoebox Christmas | Spread some cheer
    Each Christmas season, United Methodists from across the Dakotas Conference and beyond bring the gifts of Jesus in a shoebox.  Shoebox Christmas gifts are distributed to over 5,000 children across five Native American reservations in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota. Get details.


National Hispanic Heritage Month | Sept. 15 - Oct. 15
    During National Hispanic Heritage Month, The United Methodist Church is called to incorporate and listen to Hispanic voices and speak out in support of them being heard in the public forum. ResourceUMC offers several ways for churches to observe the event. Click for ways to celebrate.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month
    October is Pastor Appreciation Month! UMC Support also wants to help. Here are some free social media graphics to share with your community. Graphics come in the correct sizing for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to download.

Join the #BeDakotasUMC movement
    #BeDakotasUMC is a grassroots movement to live out our beliefs, vision, values and our connection as United Methodists in North and South Dakota. Congregations and people across the Dakotas are celebrating what draws us to be The United Methodist Church. Here some resources to join the movement. Access graphics, or tell us your story


SOP Director | Deadline extended
    Might you be called to serve as the next director of the Solar Oven Partners ministry? Click to see if this is right for you or someone you know.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 Parachute 2a.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000